Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)

One of my favorite quotes is from Marianne Williamson and part of it says: "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us"; and she concludes by saying: "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - I was not presented to the true meaning of each of these words until I decided to take the Yoga Teacher Training.

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Adriane Boff
BoffBand hair ties: Promoting positive change

BoffBand hair ties were initially created to sponsor a program of internship, but the funds collected by it allowed us to also sponsor monthly donations to AYP (Africa Yoga Project) from $100 to $300 dollars throughout the whole year of 2015. 

From such success, I realized that this method of fund raising could help not only this one project, but many others. So, we started spreading our wings...

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Adriane Boff
BoffBand Hair ties: How it all started?

The change needs to happen. It could start with only one person and one action, which may create many ripple effects. After getting back from Kenya, we knew we could and we had to do more. Some of my travel companions and I decided to create a Resident Intern Program between Kenya & USA, connecting AYP with yoga studios in the US. The very first intern came to NYC on a four week program in January 2015, and his name is James Mweu. 

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Adriane Boff
A trip to Kenya

In February, 2014 I got on a plane heading to Kenya not really knowing what to expect…. as cheesy as it sounds, the one strong feeling that I had was of returning the many blessings in my life and in my career. Do something constructive and positive to the world felt like a good start. But this was mixed with a feeling that I was too small to create an impact of such a change. Actually, that feeling kept me away from being helpful for a long time.

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Adriane Boff
On The Road...

Life sometimes can be overwhelming... you feel like you have to do more to keep up with it but the answer may be just the opposite. When it happened to me, I realized that I had to take control of it - slow down, build some boundaries, create a sacred space to listen to my heart, surround myself with a supportive and positive community; literally do my part, simplify and trust that life was taking care of the rest.

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Adriane Boff